We woke to see just what I was thinking had been a white submarine on the horizon. Over coffee I happened to be thinking on if the UN had submarines given that vessel turned towards our interface. Bequias Naval defenses contains twelve liquid taxis and a fort with a cannon last fired over one hundred years ago - we understood we had been screwed.
I finished my coffee and ended up being debating whether or not to hoist a white flag or scupper my boat when she emerged along side. Submarine - No... this was the mother of most Gigayachts - called `A`. We question exactly how many people have believed to the dog owner `what?`once they said `A` as their watercraft title.

Created by Phillie Starck `A` is 118 meters very long and cost an awesome 150 million Euros to create. I can't assist sensation he designed the one thing, then got drunk, presented the drawings upside-down and proceeded to-draw house windows in to the keel.
Something i'll say for her, when she dropped anchor a small flotilla of yachties got within their dinghies going and possess a closer appearance - that is a vessel that draws attention and divides people who have viewpoint.